Everyone Should Know: Commanding Heights

What is globalization? How is it possible for one country to bring down the entire world, and quickly? Everyone should know something about the global economy, and Commanding Heights is a solid introduction. The series continues after the jump, with some additional questions to consider.

Everyone Should Know is a short list of thought-provoking books, films, and articles about significant aspects of our modern world that are seldom taught in school. This list is not exhaustive, nor are the works perfect, but they get you thinking. Suggestions welcome! So far, the list includes two books, Quiet and A Time of Passion, and an article, The Case Against CredentialismThe goal is help everyone develop a personal compass with which to navigate the real world–a solid understanding of how the world works so that he or she can make informed choices and live a meaningful life.

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A letter to the American People

When I was a child, I was taught that I couldn’t have everything, but that I may have one thing with persistence and patience. That working with others required compromise and respect, even when I didn’t agree. That in times of trouble, great leaders arose–people like Washington and Lincoln–who put country above personal gain and […]

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Physics of the Future

I recently finished reading Michio Kaku’s thought-provoking book, Physics of the Future. It was packed with vignettes about nanotechnology, robotics, AI, and the future of energy, which are all interesting in their own rights. However, I was most intrigued when Kaku hinted at or asked the reader to consider how we react to science and […]

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Louis C.K. – funny yet insightful

I don’t follow many comedians, but Louis C.K. is one of them. I don’t care much for the profanity, but his irreverent sense of humor is an effective vehicle for thoughtful commentary on the state of modern society. Not all comedians do this. Too many shock for the sake of shocking. Check out this segment about why smartphones are bad for kids.


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The power of dreams

A recent high school graduate that I know gave a little speech. It was a speech about a life transformed and a dream for the future. It was a speech from the heart. If you have not seen this, it is worth a few minutes of your time. Read More